Sunday, November 25, 2007

The past few weeks

The past few weeks was like a wave washed on shore... It past really fast surprisingly. I thought it'll be one long, tortured week. But just a few more papers and a couple of days, it'll be all over. Highschool. Uniforms. RM1 fishball. Canteen's famous fried chicken. Highschool was a great experience. I definitely wish i could stay but life must move on.
Right now, everyone including my best buds are all talking bout the 4th of November(which is the last day of spm). All the anticipation of finally being free, kills me inside. Not in a bad way but in a party-party way. Being grown up in my family, life can be a lil' strict sometimes. So the thought of being free for at least 1 day is really exciting! Anyway, i definitely can't wait to put on my shopping shoes and start shopping since it's Year-End Sale. But the usual, no $$$. I sort of thinking bout getting a part-time job during my break. The problem is, don't know where and don't know how. There's lots to think about when getting a job. I also need to get my parents approval. Well, this holiday will be one hack of a break for me. After this, it will all come down to the topic my parents have been talking about, college. As exciting as it sounds, it scares me sometimes to just think about it. Me being quite a timid person(my friends won't agree on that) is not really ready for all that college drama life. I guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Until next time, it'll be just me and my fabulous holiday and whatever the future have in store for me, i'll be sure that i'm ready.
Ciou for now~

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